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Re: Recipes

Rose Valley Farm in New York has published a great CSA recipe book -- I
think they sell them for about $10 a copy and they might be available
through NOFA-NY.  When somebody pays $300 for a full-season membership I
figure I can splurge $10 on a good recipe book (actually I send back about
$50 in "incidental" items like a cloth bag for the weekly harvest share,
recipe books, cloth garden gloves, their very own straw hat, etc.  It adds
up quickly but really makes people feel like they're getting a lot for
their money.  After all, it isn't just about vegetables!

Liz Henderson, are you on line?  She and David Stern are the Rose Valley

Dori Green:  Writer, Farmer, Facilitator
Ash Grove Community Farm & Center for Sustainable Living