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Re: Is anyone else having trouble getting an apprentice?

At 07:37 AM 4/24/98 -0800, Marcie Rosenzweig wrote:
>Hi all,
>Is anyone else having trouble getting an apprentice?  I've seen a lot less
>activity this year in farms asking for apprentices, and I've gotten
>virtually no response to my own postings.  This is getting scary as we
>can't do this alone.  Anybody got similar problems?

Well, from what I recall of your posts to this list, you were strongly
emphasizing prior experience as one of the qualifications you were seeking.
The definition of "apprentice" that I recall from school was that of a
learning position.  The emphasis on experience might have intimidated some
otherwise good people from applying.  Perhaps you'll need to be willing to
do a little more training than you were hoping to do.

I also don't know where else you've done your looking, but if you haven't
done so already, you might advertise with your client base - maybe some of
them are interested or have high school age kids who would like to learn
organic farming.  You might also try local health food stores, even as far
away as Sacramento, and local high school vocational offices.

There's also an organization, more active abroad than in the US, called
WWOOF:  Willing Workers On Organic Farms.  I don't currently have contact
info for them, but either someone else on this list does or you can find
them quickly with a Web search.

Good luck,

Loren Davidson      	 Permaculturist. Poet. Philosopher.
loren@wombat.net         http://www.batnet.com/beauty/
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