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Silent Spring Revisited (was: Fooling With Nature) FRONTLINE documentary special tonight at 9:00 PM EST PBS

Be sure to watch this important edition of Frontline tonight:
"Silent Spring Revisited" (was: "Fooling With Nature") 
FRONTLINE documentary special 
tonight at 9:00 PM on PBS Public Television

            "FRONTLINE examines new evidence in the
            controversy over the danger of manmade chemicals
            to human health and the environment, thirty-five years
            after Rachel Carson first raised concerns of an
            impending ecological crisis. Currently, millions in
            research and public relations dollars are being spent
            in the battle, and President Clinton is calling this one
            of his top environmental priorities. The film takes
            viewers inside the world of scientists, politicians,
            activists, and business officials embroiled in this
            high-stakes debate that threatens the multi-billion
            dollar chemical industry."

http://sunSITE.unc.edu/london   InterGarden   
london@sunSITE.unc.edu   llondon@bellsouth.net