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Re: Help on Pricing

When we went to the CSA conference in MA last November and also at the
Organic Farmers Conference in WI last Feb we noticed a trend in pricing.
Although not universal by any means, there is a tendency for the price of a
share to amount to about a dollar a pound. We thought our shares were cheap
(at just over $200) compared to many, but it turns out that many a $400
share is providing around 400 pounds of food, compared with our 200. A bit
pricey for collard greens, but a real bargain for basil. We would be really
interested in learning whether this is a general trend or just something we
saw in the CSA info we happened across. We will a some point want to talk
share pricing in "The Community Farm" newsletter. 

For those of you that are new to the CSA-L, drop us an email and we will
send info about the newsletter. The second issue is at the printer and
should be in the mail before the end of the month.

Jo and Jim at "The Community Farm" newsletter
> From: Virginia Petrie <virginia@biostat.washington.edu>
> To: csa-l@prairienet.org
> Subject: Help on Pricing
> Date: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 1:12 PM
> This is my first year in the CSA Farmstead business.  The problem I have
> run into is in pricing my produce.  I visit the local grocery stores that
> carry "organic" produce but often times they don't carry the same
> produce that I am growing (organic or nonorganic) so I have no idea how
> to price things.  Any ideas?
> Virginia
> The Petrie Place
> P.O. Box 384
> Duvall, WA 98019
