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Re: introduction

I live in Western Oregon and there ain't hardly a thing you can't grow
here :-) (Okay not bananas...) Well, parts of western wash are cooler than
us down here in the Willamette Valley but you too can get away with
growing lots more, lots more of the year than most of our continental and
southern and eastern seaboard usa sisters and brothers :-) 

I think you should grow something you like. What would you like to grow?
If you grow something you love/like you're sure to have more fun and
success than if you *only* pick what you think you could sell. You do have
to consider sales issues but really go with what you like within that.

Wash state extension hosts small farmers' workshops in the late winter
which can be good for ideas and networking. I attended one in Port
Townsend which was pretty swell....

Perhaps if you provide more information to the list about what you've been
thinking about people will have more advice. You can also post to ogl and
sanet which are two lists I know of (am on) and which are a tad more
