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Re: Questions on Buyers Addresses and on Weed Killers

Hi. Seeds of Change can be reached at www.seedsofchange.com or 505-438-8080,
which I obtained from the Natural Foods Merchandiser 98-99 Retailer
Purchasing Guide ("The Definitive Reference for National and International
Sources of Natural and Organic Products") which is put out by New Hope
Natural Media (www.newhope.com) in Boulder, CO.  New Hope also sponsors the
big Expo West and East natural/organic product industry shows every year. In
Anaheim this winter I heard there were 8 miles of booths.  Good luck. Connie

At 10:01 AM 8/26/1998 PDT, you wrote:
>Hi.Does anyone have an email or mail address for Seeds of Change? Does 
>anyone have the address for Vita Spelt or Purity Foods? Or the address 
>for Goodness Greenness? How much acetic acid, water and surfactant is 
>supposed to be used per acre to kill weeds? Or how much citric acid? One 
>source of acetic acid was said to be National Vinegar of Alton, IL. Is 
>that right? And what was the other? A citric acid source was said to be 
>Industrial Chemical of Memphis. Is that right? Someone said corn gluten 
>is a weed suppressant, but at how many lbs/acre? Can corn be ground up 
>and spread on the ground? If so, how many lbs/acre? Does wheat gluten 
>suppress weeds too? And can wheat be ground up and spread on the ground? 
>Or does the gluten have to be separated from the grain? Aloha from Lloyd
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Constance L. Falk
Associate Professor
Dept. Ag. Econ. & Ag. Bus.
New Mexico State University