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Fw: work wanted

Hi Gideon, we are a first year organic farm with the intention of forming a
CSA for next growing season. We are also a composting facility located at
the US-Mexico border in Arizona. We lease land from the local school
district and are interested in working with youth, community and sustainable
development/agriculture. I can't say fotr sure what opportunities will be
available for next season, however if you are interested please contact us

Terra-Cycle Technologies/Farm
1371 E. Frontage Road
Rio Rico, AZ 85648

520 604-2089

My name is Jo Jean Elenes. Our e-mail is celenes@azstarnet.com We look
forwaed to hear from you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gideon Porth <oneal@umich.edu>
To: csa-l@prairienet.org <csa-l@prairienet.org>
Date: Sunday, August 23, 1998 7:25 PM
Subject: work wanted

>hi. my name's gideon porth and i'm writing to send out a message looking
>for job opportunities or possibly apprenticeships for next year's growing
>season. i'm currently in my second season as an apprentice at the
>Community Farm of Ann Arbor,  a 120 member biodynamic CSA just
>outside of ann arbor, michigan.  i've also spent time working  and
>teaching on farms in british columbia and tennessee and studying
>agricultural and development issues in south and central america. i
>recently graduated from u of m with a degree in ecology and eventually
>hope to combine farming for a csa and teaching farming to high school-
>college aged students in the future.  my farming interests lie greatly in
>local, diverse food production systems, permaculture, urban farming and
>connecting consumers to the sources of their food.  i feel like i am
>somewhere between ready to start a project of my own and continuing to
>apprentice under others. i would ideally like to find a position where i
>could be connected to a csa but in a position of greater responsibility
>than an apprentice.  if anyone knows of opportunities please let me know.
>thanks!    -gideon