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Thank God/god. I was hoping that we could all get back to business.
Speaking of which, is anyone out there looking for work on a Central
Illinois CSA farm? We are in need of not only farm work but design and
management of a sustainable distribution system.

Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 17:34:19 -0600
Sender: owner-csa-l@prairienet.org
X-PH: V4.4a@mx4.cso.uiuc.edu
From: John Barclay <jbarclay@prairienet.org>
To: csa-l@prairienet.org
Subject: CSA-L FAQ Update, SPAM & Prairienet
X-Sender: jbarclay@mail.prairienet.org

This is to clear up the recent dialog over SPAM, or unrelated posting on
the CSA-L list.

First, happy harvest to those in thick of harvest season.  Despite some
SPAM, this is a really well behaved and easy to maintain list and I'd like
to thank everyone for that.  Thanks also go to Sarah Milstein (New York)
for co-moderating CSA-L and Communications for a Sustainable Future
(Colorado) for archiving the list on their web pages at

Second, discussions about SPAM (unrelated or commercial messages) are
unwelcome and will not be tolerated on the CSA-L list.  Responses about
SPAM have been more frequent than the SPAM which initiates the
"discusssion".  If SPAM gets out of control, I can switch the list to a
moderated one in which messages are approved before being distributed to
the entire list.  I will put this off as long as possible as this adds a
burden on the list moderator and adds a time delay to list postings. In the
mean time, please don't post responses about SPAM.

Third, Prairienet is a friend of CSA-L and supports this list.  The recent
e-mails from Prairienet may not have been useful to all CSA-L readers, but
certainly belonged on the list.  As Prairienet users, we need to be
informed about such developments.  If two or three Prairienet e-mails in 2
years is too much, this may not be the list for you.

Third, I added these points to the FAQ below (the other 12 points are
beneath the new ones).  I try to post the FAQ every month or two as new
subscribers or list behavior dictates.

Happy Harvest,

John Barclay, CSA-L co-moderator