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Lynette Dumble's comments on President Clinton were somewhat naive and
lacking in understanding of the politics in DC.  Yes, Clinton and his
corporate sponsors have little interest in Community Supported
Agriculture (unless corporate money could figure out a way to profit
from it) but the other players in Washington -Gingrich, Lott, Armey,
etc. are even more wed to a corporate, chemical, biologically engineered
future. Monsanto and it's ilk are equal opportunity bribers.   The
American political system is one of legalized bribery. People very
seldom get to be president or representative or senator without having
very powerful corporate and monied class sponsors.  Great resources on
the issues brought up by the news article are the web pages for Friends
of the Earth, Union of Concerned Scientist and Environmental Working
Group - just to mention a few.
The problem in Washington is not Clinton or Gingrich (they are easily
replaced chess pieces) but the power and influence that pulls the
strings. Until the time when people supporting a sustainable future come
together and create their own political power, corporate interests like
Monsanto, ADM and the like, will use their muscle to model a future that
is not in anyones interest (except for possible a small monied class).