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Re: Request for some practical tips. (Bermuda)

Having had extensive experience with Bermuda grass in a hot climate
(Israel) & with Quackgrass in a cool climate (W. Canada), I can say that
Bermuda is less invasive than Quack, but much more persistent.

We used Bermuda to stabilize dunes in the middle east. Bermuda will
establish where more desirable species will fail (soil poverty, drought
etc). I've heard of the stuff used as emergency pasture in parts of Tx &
Okla, but only on land where more profitable crops or desirable forage
species could not succeed. It has the ability to remain dormant for
extroadinarily long periods during extended drought.

Eradication of volunteer Bermuda: We tried disking; chisel-plwing,
deep-plowing; roto-tilling & spraying with very limited results. Even round
up only worked when the stuff was actively growing (see dormancy period
above). The only method that worked consistently was Methyl Bromide (ugh!)
applied under plastic tunnel at exactly the right soil temp & moisture
levels. I don't think that stuff is legal in the USA though... The black
plastic mulch idea mentioned by someone (Loren?) just might be the best
alternative of all...

I have to ask the question though: Could you possibly find a better site in
the Okla. City area to establish your farm on than this proposed plot? It
may be growing Bermuda grass instead of something else for a good reason!

______________________________ Reply Separator ____________________________
Subject: Request for some practical tips.
Author:  DRush35007@aol.com at CWB
Date:    9/7/98 2:43 PM

I have just moved into a house sitting on 1/2 acre in Oklahoma City.  I am
taking a class called Master Gardener at the local County Extension.  This
year is my learning year for crop production.  When I think I am ready, I
will look at buying or leasing some land out of town, and hopefully set up
a CSA.
Any way I hope it is ok to ask for a little practical advice on this board.
If not please let me know.  I am planning to start with a section of the
garden about 4,000 square feet.   The soil is almost pure sand, and it is
currently covered with bermuda grass.  At the Extension they are telling me
to clear it with Round Up, ready for fortifying and planting in the spring.
I am assuming round up is toxic, and not desireable (I want to learn
organic way).
I suspect a cover crop, or sheet mulch may be better, but have no
so would love to hear some alternative suggestions. Along those lines, I am
not sure if I should get a rototiller or not.  I dont know what is a
feasible area to think in terms of spading.  Again any thougts would be
Finally, any suggestions for a fall/winter vegetable crop.  It is currently
very hot, and very dry here, but the first frost may come late October.

Thanks from hot and sunny Oklahoma City.  If any one on the list is located
in my neighborhood, please let me know, I am anxious to network.
