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Re: member retention

Good question, we only sold 9 membership in this our first year.  I am going
to suggest that we allow these 9 to resubsribe at this years low intro
price, while new members will be slightly higher.  I may say something like
sign up one of your friends a receive a free gift (I had some hats made with
the farm name).  If any of our members don't sign up I know the reason will
be, it was "too hard" finding time to get to the farm to pick up my veggies.
I have two members who have missed quite a few weeks.  Any the funny thing
is one is my dear friend, I keep saying come for your veggies, I know I know
she says.  I don't see how I can help this situation, this year I bent over
backwards to make pick-up convenient I mean I let them come any day any time
(if they called first), that will change next year I am going to have set
pick-up days.  I think everyone is pleased with the amount of veggies.  I
have had two people say they will join again next year, one is the member
who travels the farthest.  But she has said she has enjoyed the quantity and
quality of our organic veggies.  So as Leigh asked any suggestions? Beth
-----Original Message-----
From: Leigh Hauter <lh@pressroom.com>
To: CSA-L@prairienet.org <CSA-L@prairienet.org>
Date: Tuesday, September 15, 1998 12:41 AM
Subject: member retention

>As the season winds down it is the time of year where we start thinking
>about membership retention. Next year would sure be a lot easier if we
>could retain a high percentage of our shareholders. What is your
>shareholder retention rate?
>Leigh at Bull Run Mountain Organic Farm