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Re: Gravel tailings for fertilizer? and Hydrogen Peroxide

MinVase wrote:
>In a message dated 9/9/98 4:40:24 PM, lkindr@hotmail.com wrote:
><<Did you 
>know chickens transmute silicon from quartz sand into calcium? A number 
>of biological systems transmute many common elements. It might be a bit 
>too slow a process to fertilize organic farms tho. Even seeds transmute 
>elements when they sprout. >>
>Sorry, I can't let this one go.  The silly statement above is the same 
kind of
>medieval alchemy that purported to "transmute" lead to gold.  One 
>transmute elements like Si and Ca!!!  Other than normal atomic decay 
>heavy elements) ie: uranium to lead, transmutation is a fantasy.  I 
think the
>writer is mistaking metabolic (ie digestion and use of molecules) 
>for "transmutation".  

Hi Min. Of course it sounds silly, when we're taught conventional 
science. But just like the alternative health and farming movement is 
opposed by vested interests in our major institutions, there is a lot of 
"underground" science that is not widely known and is opposed by the 
same vested interests, because it undermines their positions of 
domination. I referred to the book by Louis Kervran called "Biological 
Transmutations." Kervran himself was a French scientist and this book 
outlined numerous scientific findings from many parts of the world that 
support the claims of biological transmutation. The basic method of much 
of the research is to get analyses of organisms, etc. before and after a 
change. Kervran worked for a health dept. of France. Welders would 
occasionally die from carbon monoxide poisoning and his job was to 
determine what was the source of the carbon monoxide. He determined that 
no source could be found, so he theorized that nitrogen in the air, 
which consists of two atoms of nitrogen per molecule, each atom having 7 
protons, under conditions of high heat from welding, might somehow, when 
taken into the body thru breathing, get one proton transferred from one 
atom to the other. If one nitrogen atom loses a proton, it becomes 
carbon, which has 6 protons. If the other gains the lost proton, it 
becomes oxygen, which has 8 protons. Carbon monoxide and diatomic 
nitrogen both have 14 protons altogether. I don't remember if he found 
proof for this specific theory, but he did find virtual proof that 
transmutation can occur in humans under other conditions. He did a study 
in North Africa with workers for oil companies who worked for extended 
periods in high heat. He found that salt is what allowed them to survive 
such extreme conditions. It did so by transmuting into potassium or some 
other essential mineral. This was determined by getting analyses of the 
workers' food and water intakes and their wastes. The minerals that 
changed in amount before and after ingestion logically must be being 
transformed, if they are in too large a quantity to be stored in the 
body or removed from it. If a person weighs 150 lbs., 70% is water, 
which leaves about 45 lbs. of mostly carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen 
and calcium. So the amount of lesser minerals like potassium, 
phosphorus, sodium, and chlorine would be way under a pound each. Over a 
period of a year or more the amount of salt taken in and another mineral 
leaving would be way more than the body could possibly store or afford 
to lose. Another similar study was done with seeds by another scientist 
or team. The amount of some minerals changed significantly before and 
after sprouting. The seeds and water were analysed before sprouting and 
the sprouts were analysed after. The amount by which one mineral 
decreased after sprouting exactly equaled the amount by which another 
increased. A similar study was done on chicken eggs. The amount of 
silicon ingested by chickens exactly equaled the amount of calcium in 
their egg shells. Several other studies were done that I can't remember 
now in much detail. I have studied a lot of sciences and have found that 
there is corruption in science just as there is in government and 
business. The USDA is trying to redirect the organic movement in favor 
of big business. The only science that gets funded by government or big 
business is mostly that which favors those vested interests. Aloha. 

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