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At 03:27 PM 9/23/98 +0000, I was told to "Respect others!":

A CSA subscriber wrote:
>Common courtesy also dictates that you chew someone out in 
>private, Not on the 'net!  

In response to my (evidently) curt post about saving list instructions:

>> Date:          Wed, 23 Sep 1998 12:07:17 -0500
>> From:          S & S Aqua Farm <snsaquasys@townsqr.com>
>> To:            csa-L@prairienet.org
>> Subject:       Piece from CSA-L FAQ Update, SPAM & Prairienet (just reposted
>>                unsubscribe
>> Please keep your instructions when you join a group - it's only common
>> courtesy to the rest of the members.
>> At 09:57 AM 9/23/98 -0700, you wrote:
>> >I also would like to unsubscribe.  Could anyone who has info on how to get
>> >off this list please post it to the list.  Thanks.
>> >******************************************************
>> Send a message to "listproc@prairienet.org" with "unsubscribe CSA-L" in
>> the message.  Omit the quotes. You may leave the subject line blank.   If
>> this doesn't work, send an e-mail to jbarclay@prairienet.org and I will
>> unsubscribe you.

I replied:
>Sorry my note was offensive - it wasn't meant to be.  Since this was the
third post of the day requesting unsub instructions, it seemed to be a
wide-spread problem - actually it is.  Many people subscribe to mail groups
only to find soon after that they don't really want to be there.  I feel
that it should be the individual's responsibility to have some way to track
these instructions, which someone (a person, not a machine, usually) went to
the trouble to be certain they had when they signed in.  
>All it should take is a "place" in their mail program (file for that mail
group, file marked "subscribe/unsubscribe" or whatever) to put these
messages.  Even with my small computer I usually manage to keep track, and I
acknowledge that it's a "personal problem" that I find it hard to tolerate
other people's lack of planning for such events.
>When these messages show up on the mail group I manage, I just unsub the
person and let it go.  When I've had several in a day's time, I just repost
the information to the group with a note to PLEASE SAVE, figuring that there
are probably several more out there.  
>You've made me stop and think, however, about what I've seen others post on
the internet....that it's very difficult to interpret tone/meaning/feeling
from email posts, and I'll try to be more careful in the future with my
>I'll post an apology to the group - maybe they'll let me stay as a "lurker
and learner".

Sorry if I offended anyone - hope everyone has a great week-end!
S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124
Web page  http://www.townsqr.com/snsaqua/