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Re: [Fwd: Honeybee mites]

Hi Eric. I thought I'd copy your attachment onto a reply so anyone who 
can't download it can read it here. And it so happens I'm doing just 
what I thought I might. Observe.
        Honeybee mites
        Wed, 23 Sep 1998 12:09:58 -0600
        Eric Belsey <egbelsey@holly.colostate.edu>

My entomology prof raises Buckfast Bees- a strain developed by a
recently deceased monk at the Buckfast Abbey in England that are claimed
to be resistant to mites. A search for Buckfast bees turns up some web
resources. Here's what the ol' PhD.  has to say:

The Weaver Brothers out of Texas are the US producers/distributors of
Buckfast bees.  They are widely recognized as being tolerant to the
mite (not the varroa mite), although you don't see it in their
I don't think.  

[Let's see, the brothers are widely recognized? Or the bees are? And 
then you don't see their tolerance or their recognition in whose 
advertising? The bees' advertising or the brothers' advertising?]

Their tolerance is regularly mentionned in the
publications, however. (Dr Whitney S. Cranshaw, author Pests of the
West, Bagging Big Bugs, and full professor in the Department Formerly
Known as Entomology, Colorado State University)

>Dr. Cranshaw-
>The other day in the garden, did you say that the Buckfast bee was
>resistant to the Varroa? or the Tracheal mite? I unerstand the tracheal
>mites were first detected in England in the 20's; did Brother Adam 
>resistance to these? Are they advertised as such to apiarists?
>Eric Belsey

Thanks Eric. Do college professors like to make us think? Is that why 
they don't specify what "it" and "they" and such refers to? Do they do 
that to leave themselves an out? I'm glad to hear about the Buckfast 
bees, but a few other respondents mentioned native pollinator bees as 
well, which are apparently free of charge. Do you know where Buckfast 
bees are native to? Aloha. Lloyd

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