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Re: produce pick-up

Excellent topic.  Dori is right any pick-up schedule is only going to work
for the customers who GET IT.  Meaning they realize our veggies as well as
the farm atmosphere is worth a little inconvenience.  This very attitude of
everything must be convenient is what is supporting our modern food system
(which don't get me wrong I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy the ease we
Americans have it).
People seem to think food magically appears.  Most probably don't know what
type of plants most veggies grow on.  However I agree with something I read
(possibly in Farm of the Future Revisited) that people have such a need to
feel the rhythms of the growing earth that they are willing to enjoy
"artificial" farm experiences ie hay rides etc.  This need is something we
can fill for those who GET IT, for the others our team of Belgians are being
trained and we will offer hay rides at about $150 hour (hay got to get the
farm self supporting and have our own manure!)

We just finished our first year 9 shares.  My biggest complaint was lack of
pick up schedule.  People called "may I come today?"  I usually always said
yes, then ran out and picked veggies, usually still picking when they
arrived.  With a small membership this was ok, we have no cold storage so I
couldn't pre pick much.  But I've got to limited my pick up days, I can't
decided which days would be best.  When you are so small and looking for
customers you hate to loose one because they couldn't come on certain days.
That said I've decided I don't care if the customers who seemed not to be
able to come once a week don't buy another membership. I can't be anymore
flexible than I was so they can go back to the grocery store.

Dori's point where do we find the customer we want.  Well I think word of
mouth of your loyal customers is best.  I think I picked up a new one
Thanksgiving day  at my friends (where we were eating).  Her friend's
husband is a chef and he thought it was great.  I won't do cartwheels till I
get the deposit :).

Some of the suggestions I've read before about sending notices to places
that vegetarians or health conscience people would be sound good ie
chiropractors office, health club etc.

Well lets hear from others, its winter we have nothing else to keep us
busy:) We planted some garlic today, and one of my members came by yesterday
and we had to try and figure out our Sugar house kit...........
