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Re: Finding members

Hi to everyone!
Taking a moment out of our holiday wreath and tree business to think about
next year's CSA membership....
What are your most successful member recruitment locations? 
Ours seem to be the local coffee shop (which also yielded an intern), the
nearby college, and the local health food store (the owners are great members,
and try to encourage others!).  Our least productive location was our
farmstand.  I have some great farmstand customers that will never make great
CSA members. They prefer to pick and choose what they want, when they want it.
So far we're managing to keep both groups happy, but in the long run the CSA
will win out by a landslide!
Hope your Thanksgiving was great--our members loved their pre-Thanksgiving
pick-up. It was a really a bountiful one, and several members gave thanks with
a check for next year's membership.  Nice way to end the season!! 
Homestead Farms
Brunswick, NY