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Re: CSA and food stamps

We accept food stamps for our 75 member CSA; this year was the first year
in 7 years that anyone has taken us up on it.  We have let this person pay
in installments; in fact we let anyone who wants to pay in installments.
We decided to allow installments, and we let the members decide on what
plan works for them, because we realized that if we wanted to do something
like join a CSA ourselves we would not have the $$ up front.  It may sound
tricky but it's really not.  Here's how it works:  we talk to the member
individually, and let them know that we are farmers, not bankers.  We ask
them to send us a written payment plan, we then send them a form saying we
got their payment plan and expect $X on X dates.  We do not send out
reminders, and altough 20-30 members opt for installments each year we have
been paid every cent we were owed.  We like this system, because we still
get enough $$ up front to cover operating expenses, it's very little extra
work for us, and it opens up CSA membership to folks who otherwise couldn't
do it.
