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Re: non-profit status

We are considering nonprofit as well. We are working from a book that
outlines benefits, risks and procedures in a very usable format: "How to
Form a Nonprofit Corporation" by Anthony Mancuso. Our little public library
even has a copy.

Jo and Jim
"The Community Farm" newsletter
A Voice for Community Supported Agriculture

> From: HMSTDFRMS@aol.com
> To: csa-l@prairienet.org
> Subject: re: non-profit status
> Date: Friday, January 08, 1999 8:44 AM
> We have been considering incorporating as a non-profit business (that
> much describes us anyway!)   
> I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has had experience with this. 
> are the possible risks as well as benefits?
> Linda
> Homestead Farms 