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RE: Persuading a farmer

i like your idea & approach very much as is. telling him that you've noticed
the efforts going to development instead of to the earth as his work does
shouldn't be offensive to him. well stated it should actually appeal to his
pride and give him a warm feeling that someone appreciates what he spends
his life doing. maybe if he's having to sell because he can't bear the costs
then you might have the opportunity to volunteer to work on developing some
alternatives...best of luck and let us know

> ----------
> From: 	Comm_Supported_Agri@discovery.umeres.maine.edu
> Sent: 	Friday, January 8, 1999 11:12 AM
> To: 	csa-l@prairienet.org
> Subject: 	Persuading a farmer
> 	I'm trying to think of the best way to talk to a farmer who owns a
> small farm within my hometown (Glastonbury, Connecticut) suburban
> neighborhood.  Since my early childhood I have always visited the farm
> and watched the wildlife that survives on the farm.  The farmer (Mr.
> Gates) has already sold off 13 acres that have been developed into 7
> houses.  I would like to see the farm preserved as the way it is.  I
> haven't collected enough courage to walk down and knock on his door.  I
> don't want to seem like an outsider telling him what to do with his
> land, but, I would like to tell him the importance of the farm to me
> and perhaps volunteer to help out on the farm to learn more about the
> history of the farm and other farming operations.  
> 	I thought it would be great to start a small CSA project on his farm
> and encourage high school students to help on the farm (high school is
> located a quarter of a mile from the farm).  
> 	Does anyone have any suggestions for the best way to make the first
> visit "impression"?
> 	Thanks.
> Jonathan Layburn
> Student- University of Maine at Orono