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seed varieties

Hello to all,
We're snuggled in next to the wood stove watching the snow (finally!) pile up
against the wood shed doors.
My early pick-up deadline from Fedco is fast approaching, so I've decided to
try to finish up all the seed orders over the next couple of days. Last year's
spread sheet project will make this year's order *so* much easier!
What I'm wondering---what's your (or your CSA members') very special favorite
variety of veg/flower? I always like to try a few new ones each year, so any
A couple of my personal favorites are Rosa Bianc eggplant. If you haven't
tried this one, its creamy small seeded texture and tender skin is just
wonderful. Delicata is rapidly becoming the squash of preference with our CSA
members. The flavor is super sweet, with a lovely texture! A new trial flower
for us last year was Lacy Blue Didiscus. I will never have another annual
flower garden without this beautiful flower. It looks like a light blue Queen
Anne's Lace, and holds up wonderfully in bouquets at the farm stand.
Homestead Farms
