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Re: seed varieties

Our two new trial favorites from 1998:

Chioggia Beet: very productive, sweet and SO pretty (with red/white
bullseye look when sliced). A particular favorite at the restaurants.

Dragon Langerie (also Dragon tongue) : Also very productive and juicy
sweet. Yellow bean with purple stripes. Very special.

Both available from Fedco

Jo and Jim
"The Community Farm" newsletter
A Voice for Community Supported Agriculture

> From: HMSTDFRMS@aol.com
> To: csa-l@prairienet.org
> Subject: seed varieties
> Date: Saturday, January 09, 1999 3:52 PM
> Hello to all,
> We're snuggled in next to the wood stove watching the snow (finally!)
pile up
> against the wood shed doors.
> My early pick-up deadline from Fedco is fast approaching, so I've decided
> try to finish up all the seed orders over the next couple of days. Last
> spread sheet project will make this year's order *so* much easier!
> What I'm wondering---what's your (or your CSA members') very special
> variety of veg/flower? I always like to try a few new ones each year, so
> suggestions?
> A couple of my personal favorites are Rosa Bianc eggplant. If you haven't
> tried this one, its creamy small seeded texture and tender skin is just
> wonderful. Delicata is rapidly becoming the squash of preference with our
> members. The flavor is super sweet, with a lovely texture! A new trial
> for us last year was Lacy Blue Didiscus. I will never have another annual
> flower garden without this beautiful flower. It looks like a light blue
> Anne's Lace, and holds up wonderfully in bouquets at the farm stand.
> Linda
> Homestead Farms
