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Re: gypsum, goats, rocks

Nice post.  Yes, it is time to begin cleaning up the mess...  Check out the
MR3 recycling system at http://www.montana.com/mr3.

Tons of toxic waste can be cleaned up, metals recycled...in an *automated*
system wherein TONS of material can be processed every day.

Find out more at the website...


>Re: gypsum board... manufacturers put stuff in our FOOD that you wouldn't
>want in the garden... probably there's glue in gyp-board, maybe boric or
>aluminate fire-retardant compounds... ultimately, probably about as
>dangerous as eating out or buying food in a grocery store, which is to say,
>of undeterminate fair-to-middlin' risk.
>According to Texas Department of Ag. Organic Certification standards: Fish
>emulsion is solublized with sulfuric acid; bone and blood meals have
>measurable levels of herbicide residue (as do manures, which are often
>further-sprayed to keep flies off); stuck-in-adolescence, mammary-obsessed
>scientists are using every weird hormone they can synthesize to try and
>grow breasts on all the MEN; I don't even want to THINK about what travels
>through me to get into the urine I use in MY garden; DDT residues are still
>detectable in mothers' milk and semen; yadda yadda... with current testing
>procedures you can go outside and pick up a stick and find toxins... ain't
>life grand... Un-scary conclusions? Use what we have, start cleaning
>Goes to the goat/intelligence thing... goats are, in fact, smart as can be
>[and they have LOTS of time and boredom]. Are they smarter than Humans?
>Ignoring the obvious impossibility of answering such a question, here's our
>epistemological bone-of-the-day: If a species/person/goat is capable of any
>intellectual feat, but spends its time doing stupid things... is it SMART,
>or STUPID? Do we continue to measure "intelligence" with tests on paper, or
>do we begin to measure intelligence in our pesky 4-dimensional world? IQ's
>as determined by "paper" method: humans 100; goats 64; bacteria 0.0002; by
>"pesky world" method: humans 6; goats 100; bacteria 100... trees 100...
>grass 100... rocks 100. How come everybody else gets 100, and we get a 6?
>Gotta work on our testing and evaluation paradigms...

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