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Re: Wow

At 12:57 6/10/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Safe, effective, inexpensive laxatives are available in any convenience
>A note on Synergy, that improbable property which confuses mathematicians
>everywhere and dazzles the rest of us with wonder:
>Anger/Self-righteousness, whether outwardly-directed as a manipulative
>tool, or inwardly as a means of covering some hidden pain or fear, is
>counter-productive toward establishment of synergistic interchange within a
>group with ostensibly-similar goals. Directed at the student it does not
>elucidate, but instead directly discourages discovery and learning,
>training toward rote absorption of what is already "known" ["knowledge is
>dead-but-not-buried imagination"... e e cummings]. Among associates it is
>repressive of open discussion aimed at raising questions as well as
>answers. Re mr cummings remark above, answers are dead, questions are alive
>(are you listening, world's religions?).
>Re: Molly-bashing: Mr. Mollison is very intelligent and has a watching eye
>whose penetrating sharpness can be disquieting. I doubt if his
>observational acuity points only outward (though such a condition is not
>uncommon). I can only assume from his cantankerous -- often even seemingly
>puposefully-offensive -- behavior, that he himself is not fond of
>pedestals. Without, in fact, "bashing" ANYONE (which is gratuitously
>unnecessary and bespeaks "protesting too loudly"), we can all benefit from
>questioning everything (hence the legend sometimes found at the bottom of
>my rantings: "QUESTION REALITY" Wish I'D made that up!). Perhaps the
>comments in question did less actual Mollison-bashing, and more of a
>general bashing-all-around.
>Re: guilds... everyone is right. The idea of guilds (however we name them),
>as applicable directly to food production right now, is in fact embryonic
>-- as are many of the ideas put forth under the heading "permaculture".
>This doesn't detract from the value of the idea, unless we make the common
>mistake of looking to Mollison's compendious work for ANSWERS instead of
>for its many deep and penetrating QUESTIONS. Some of the systems have been
>worked out to a great extent, as in the tropics whence Mr. Mollison
>proceeds, but here in the temperate zone the questions clearly outnumber
>the answers. That, I think, is the point of the book... further, we are ALL
>"Mollison", and willingly occupy an historically-crucial position. Let's
>give ourselves -- and each other -- credit for that, while recognizing that
>in producing our own answers we will, if we are paying attention, ALWAYS
>uncover more questions than answers, for the Universe is (purportedly)
>infinite. In this so-improbable, infinite Universe, all things are
>possible. Weird, but true, as the New Physics and the Old Masters tell us.

Can someone tell me how I can unsuscribe permaculture?
Thank you
