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Re: Ecofascism and paradigms

The trouble comes when we or others continue in the  competition
paradigm "It`s us against the weeds, one of the two will win."
Competition is linear , me against you ( or  against whatever).

The cooperative paradigm ( which I think is one of the greatest 
contributions-- at least in potential! - of Permaculture) is "Me  AND
you", or "the trees AND the  weeds",  which always raises questions
about context, and other variables.  The cooperative mindset is global
and works within and with dynamic systems,  and has not so many easy
asnwers.  We must then come to ask "Why are the weeds there? " and come
to love and appreciate the role of weeds ( ane everything else) in
Nature`s scheme...

Competition provokes anger.  Cooperation provokes  ( an approximation
of!) unconditional love.  

Competition is not totally bad... A bit of competiton can be
stimulating. We  even see examples of competition in Nature between two
individuals , but the important and overriding  scheme  must be
cooperation for effective work to be done without  mutual cancelling of
