Ferment & Human Nutrition (fwd)

Larry London (london@sunsite.unc.edu)
Wed, 21 Jun 1995 23:15:26 -0400

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From: Design by Nature <edward@iinet.net.au>
Newsgroups: rec.food.preserving
Subject: Ferment & Human Nutrition
Date: 4 Jun 1995 15:34:44 GMT
Organization: iiNet Technologies Pty Ltd

Hi Folks - In answer to some earlier requests for general info. on food
preservation, might I suggest an excellent book by Bill Mollison called
"The Permaculture Book of Ferment and Human Nutrition".(Tagari
As a text recording traditional methods it has few equals that I've seen.
Anyone have any other comprehensive guides to traditional preservation

Yours in Aspic


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