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PCSD - President's Council on Sustainable Development

Please refer to contact information at the end of this message.  


Date:  10/06/1997  09:53 am  (Monday)  
Subject:  Please help the PCSD plan for a National Sustainable 
          Development Summit

Please distribute; apologies for cross-postings.

President's Council on Sustainable Development

A   N   N  O   U   N   C   E  S


What could it do for you?
What can you do for it?
Please send your ideas.

The President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) has begun a
planning process for a

National Summit on Sustainable Development

scheduled to take place in early 1999. The purpose of the summit is to
catalyze a national movement toward sustainable development and to use the
event as an opportunity to better articulate the concepts and
opportunities of sustainable development to the American public.  The
summit will bring together representatives from government, business,
community, and non-profit organizations to exchange information and learn
from each other; and showcase ideas, technologies, and practices that
reflect an integrated approach toward Americans' economic, environmental,
and social equity goals.  We want to celebrate successes, transfer lessons
learned, and galvanize further action to implement sustainable development
throughout the nation. Proposals have been made to hold accompanying
regional and local events as well. 

In an effort to make the planning process as participatory as possible, the
PCSD is seeking your ideas and comments.  Please send your responses to the
following questions by, Monday, November 24, 1997:

 	What outcomes would you want from a Sustainable Development Summit? 

 	What could a national Sustainable Development Summit do for you, your
	organization, or your business?

 	What components would you like to see as part of the Summit?

 	Do you think that local and/or regional events before, during, or after the
	national summit as well as satellite downlinks would be a good idea? 

 	Other ideas?

Both anonymous and signed comments are welcome. To receive regular updates on
the conference planning, please include your full name, title, affiliation,
address, telephone, fax, and email information. 

Thank you.
Please send written comments by Monday, November 24, 1997 via email
(preferably), fax, or mail to:
Conference Coordinator
President's Council on Sustainable Development
730 Jackson Place, NW
Washington, DC 20503  
email <infopcsd@aol.com>, fax: 202 408 6839 

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