
Re: Intro, volume, and natural farming

Masuoka Fukkuaka is one of my heros too. I haven't gotten too far with no
till. This is how far I've gotten tho

Here in N. CAL. I use comfrey between my peach trees down the row.
Probably not suitable for you. The idea tho is BROAD LEAFY GREENS. I got a
few rubarb that are doing pretty good too. I have planted swiss chard and
radish and they are ok to some extent. Not as good as the comfrey. I am
trying to keep the grass out of the orchard so sow things like beans,
peas, buckwheat, radish. I roto til and use the eye hoe alot. The trees
are only two years old (third summer).

I got my ideas on comfrey, iris, tulips, dividing onions, etc from the
permaculture book.

I welcome any further suggestions. One trap people need to avoid is that
when M. F. writes "do nothing farming" he doesn't mean you don't have to
