
permaculture workshops (some free)

Heathcote Community, an intentional community in Northern 
Maryland, will be hosting permaculture workshops 
on the following dates:

FREE Introduction to Permaculture
Monday, April 1, Friday, April 12, Friday, May 10, Friday, June 7
7 to 9 PM (donations accepted)

FREE Introduction to Permaculture
Saturday, May 18, Sunday, June 2
1 to 4 PM (donations accepted)

Patterning Intensive Workshop 
April 13-14
(sliding scale $100-160)

Design Course
July 6-20
($775, limited work exchange and tuition assistance available)
Includes vegetarian meals and lodging in bunk room or tent site
Pre-requisite: reading of Mollison and Slay's Intro to Permaculture

Care for children age five and up is available with prior notification at 
an additional cost. ASL interpretation or other special accomodations may be 
requested in advance.

For more information, please call (410) 343-DIRT