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Re: Tanzanian Permaculture

Here's a message from a perma-friend was was just travelling all over Africa.

>I couldnt find too much iun opermaculture in tanzania.  Zanzibar island is
>really interresting for seaweed aqua culture.
>There's some guy in Dar Es Salam who waas trying to put together a tanzanian
>permaculture promoters association, but the # I had for him was long gone.
>In tyanzania, I mostly visited small farmers. The area around Arusha has some
>of the world's first forest gardens, but theyre hard to find.  Youill need a
>translator and someone who knows where they are-- the best advice I have is
>to visit NGO's... They will usually set you up no problem.
>Tell the guy to look into the contacts section of teh Permaculture Activist
>website.  They have tons of contacts all over africa, not all current...but
>its a start.
>Malawi, just south of Tanz. is bursting with permaculture, and I can supply
>info if he needs it.
>Please foreward this to him.
>Tim    soilfirst@dojo.tao.ca