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For people planning to visit Australia soon...

from Permaculture International Limited and Pacific Edge Permaculture +


EVENT: EcoLiving Centre Animal Systems Team meeting
DATE: 14 August at 6pm
VENUE: UNSW EcoLiving Centre, 14 Arthur Street, Randwick, Sydney.
COST: No cost
DETAILS: Come along if you would  like to be involved to contribute and
learn. Our mission statement: The Ecoliving Animal System Team is
co-operatively learning and educating about integrating animal systems into
an urban permaculture environment. We are committed to developing a resource
base for the community and encouraging awareness of biodiversity, native and
heirloom species.
INFORMATION: tania_rose@hotmail.com

EVENT: Creating the Future workshop
DATE: Sydney-16 August; Melbourne-24 August
VENUE: Enquire
COST: Enquire.
DETAILS: Richard Neville and Friedmann Wieland in an inspiring one day
learning adventure.
INFORMATION: The Futures Foundation - www.futurists.net.au

EVENT: Conference  - The Organic Challenge - Unity Through Diversity
VENUE: Sydney
DATE: 27-28 August
COST: Enquire
DETAILS: Inaugural national organic conference, sponsored by RIRDC and and
Organic Federation of Australia
INFORMATION: RIRDC - www.rirdc.gov.au; Organic Federation of Australia -

EVENT: Design workshop for new chook accommodation
DATE: 27 August 
VENUE: UNSW EcoLiving Centre, 14 Arthur Street, Randwick, Sydney.
COST: No cost.
DETAILS: Anyone with an interest in designing a state-of-the-art - or
charming and rustic, whatever floats your boat - chook enclosure, please
come along to help out us animal lovers and throw some ideas around.
INFORMATION: tania_rose@hotmail.com

EVENT: The Natural Step: Sustainability Made Easy workshops
VANUE: Around Australia
DATE: 28 August
COST: Enquire
DETAILS: NGO The Natural Step continues to cater for growing interest from
the corporate and local government sectors in its world renowned
sustainability framework, as used by the likes of Electrolux, Interface,
Nike, Manningham CC, BP Air, Ikea. These one day workshops are proving
popular and useful.
INFORMATION: tnsmelb@tpg.com.au  sme@ecosteps.com.au
02 9573 0169

EVENT: Ethical investment - EIA's annual conference
DATE: 3-4 September
VENUE: Melbourne
COST: Enquire
INFORMATION: www.eia.org.au/eia/events_frame.html

EVENT: Grand Chicken Run construction day
DATE: Sunday the 9th of September
VENUE: UNSW EcoLiving Centre, 14 Arthur Street, Randwick, Sydney.
COST: No cost.
DETAILS: This brings into reality the outcomes of August's design workshop
- the second step of the Grand Chicken Run Plan. If you're handy with a
hammer or even if you're just keen to hold things, be involved and learn,
please come along and enjoy a day in the warm Spring sunshine.
INFORMATION: tania_rose@hotmail.com

EVENT: Sustainability in-depth
DATE: 16-21 September
VENUE: Schumacher College, UK
COST: Enquire
DETAILS: The success of recent business-oriented courses at Schumacher
College has highlighted the desire of individuals and companies to explore
sustainability in greater depth than is possible in a typical one or two-day
INFORMATION: www.schumachercollege.org

EVENT: Birds & Bees workshop
DATE: Sunday, 7 October
VENUE: UNSW EcoLiving Centre, 14 Arthur Street, Randwick, Sydney.
DETAILS: Birdscaping your garden and setting up a bee hive for home grown
INFORMATION: tania_rose@hotmail.com

EVENT: Permaculture Designers Gathering 2001
DATE: 19-21st October
VENUE:Djanbung Gardens, Nimbin, Northern NSW
COST: To be determined
DETAILS: The Designer's Gathering is a forum for permaculture teachers to
share teaching techniques and materials, discuss matters relating to
education, the Permaculture Institute/s, teacher registration and course
accreditation. Open forum, presentations, workshops & discussion groups.

The gathering consists of -
- Permaculture Teachers Forum; Friday 19 October
- Permaculture Practitioners Gathering; 20-21 October
A chance to catch up on the movement, follow up discussions and issues
raised at the last gathering and develop strategies to take permaculture
into the 21st century. Time will be allocated for PDC graduates to present
their work for endorsement for their Pc Diploma application.
INFORMATION: permed@nor.com.au   www.earthwise.org.au

EVENT: Ecotourism  National Conference - The Choice of Sustainability
DATE:  22-26 October
VENUE: Perth, Western Australia
INFORMATION: www.ecotourism.org.au

EVENT: Frogs, Fish & Ponds
DATE: Sunday, 18 November
VENUE: UNSW EcoLiving Centre, 14 Arthur Street, Randwick, Sydney.
DETAILS: Learn about watergardens as habitat.
INFORMATION: tania_rose@hotmail.com

EVENT: Urban Wildlife
DATE: Sunday, 2nd December
VENUE: UNSW EcoLiving Centre, 14 Arthur Street, Randwick, Sydney.
DETAILS: Learn about life in the suburbs and how to encourage it.
INFORMATION: tania_rose@hotmail.com
EcoLogic:  Creating a Sustainable Future
The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney is opening a new permanent exhibition about
the future of life on earth ­ it will examine how the consumer choices we
make every day are pushing the ecosystems that support us to the brink of
collapse. But rather than dwelling on the problems, the exhibition will
illustrate solutions.

(www.nor.com.au/environment/perma) for:
- information about permaculture and related courses and workshops in
- to participate in out permaculture teachers and permaculture aid workers
- to find pemaculture sites you can visit and where you can do a
permaculture internship.

The next edition of the Permaculture International print newsletter is being
mailed to subscribers now.

Becoming a member of Permaculture International brings you the opportunity
to you support permaculture projects worldwide and to participate in the
development of the permaculture design system. Check our website for
membership details.