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Re: What Bill says

> From: Toby Hemenway <hemenway@jeffnet.org>
> Reply-To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
> Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 08:28:16 -0700
> To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
> Subject: Re: What Bill says
> on 7/29/01 11:39 PM, 1earth permaculture at permaculture1@start.com.au
> wrote:
>> If there are no objections, the trademarking will go through
>I  hope our friends in Oz will still file an  objection, just to be sure the
> board is aware of the harm that the trademark will do.

Hi Toby and other participants in this discussion...

Yes, your friends in Oz are considering an objection through Permaculture

The current status is that people are identifying what should go into an

Judging from statements made through the permaculture-oceania liseserv,
there appars to be support for lodging an objection to he trademark

In a related move, seeking to clarify the issue and the motivation of the
Permaculture Institute in Tasmania, I sent an email to the Institute
addressed to Bill or Lisa. This was sent in my role as editor of the
Permaculture International newsletter with a view to publishing Bill and
Lisa's response.

The email contained a number of questions relating to the trademarking
issue. A person from the Institute emailed back to let me know that Bill and
Lisa are presently out of the country and that they would bring the email to
their attention upon their return. Hopefully, we will be able to place the
reply  on the PIL website and a version of it in the print newsletter.

Russ Grayson