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Re: Hagelin's testimony on GE foods

you'll find it here and a lot of stuff about GE-food and other  food/health security

Keith Johnson wrote:

> I just received a very excellent presentation about the dangers of GE
> foods by Prez candidate John Hagelin which I would be happy to send to
> those who request it. I suspect that it could be found online somewhere,
> but that info did not come to me with the letter. Here's the intro:
> On Tuesday, November 28,2000, Dr. John Hagelin presented a powerful
> statement about the hazards of genetically engineered foods to an open
> meeting of an
> Environmental Protection Agency panel in Washington, D.C.
> The Scientific Advisory Panel for the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,
> and
> Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) held the meeting to consider the possible
> allergenic
> effects of StarLink corn on human health. StarLink was recently found to
> be
> contaminated by genetically engineered strains of corn that had not been
> approved by the EPA for human consumption.
> Dr. Hagelin's testimony created an explosion of concern among the
> largely
> pro-genetic engineering audience at the open meeting and created a fresh
> wave of scientific scrutiny about the hazards of GE foods.

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