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December Issue of Sustainable Media, Happy Hibernation!

For all people with slow modems this may take 60 seconds to load. My appologies but this is where it is at for now. If you are interested in some good words it is worth the run to the kitchen for snacks or to the composting toilet for some business. Anyways i appreciate all feedback and i am now looking for a company that sells tree-free paper to put a link to their company on the page. Anyone interested? So here it is the big trinity.
By the way:
A bed-time story:
In search of top-soil and some people to help maintain it:
Five intelligent BC foresters, farmers, designers, architects, engineers,
and artisans wanting to produce more jobs in the forest, while maintaining
top-soil and sustaining the diversity of the forest ecosystem, bought 500
acres together. They each paid one-fifth of the down-payment, and promised
to work hard and with the forest in mind each pay one-fifth of the remaining
The land was purchased in the name of a co-operative much like the name of
an apartment complex is or a neighborhood is purchased and divided. But also
different. The cooperative would be something like this:
decisions made by consensus,
each land holder is obligated to maintain top-soil-growth and diversity
within each identified ecosystem,
each land holder maintains 100 acres that she or he is personally
responsible to hold in trust to the Earth,
each land holder maintains 25 acres of this 100 acres to create sustainable
orchard gardens and shelters
each land holder maintains 75 acres of this 100 acres to guide a forest that
produces jobs in the forest while maintaining top-soil and sustaining the
diversity of the forest ecosystem into old growth phases.
And the earth lived happily ever after.
Anyone interested please RSVP.

Good Morrow,
Michael Hollihn