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Re: Flax/Linen, etc

The Lehman's Non-Electric Catalogue has/had a book on flax production for
fiber. They are now on the internet oddly and goodly enough. There is also a
company in Ontario called Richters that sold me some flax fiber seed once
and it came with directions on how to manufacture the fiber.
Yaya Balinci

> Does anyone have any good books/articles to suggest on the growing
> of flax and turning it into linen, food oil, and/or paint oil?
> Also, I can occasionally find flax seed  for sale to grow for more
> seed to eat in bread/muffins or to turn into oil, but haven't come
> across any that has been bred for good fiber characteristics.
> Anyone know of a source for the fiber seeds, or a variety that
> is good for both?
> Sharon
> gordonse@one.net
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