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Re: Chemical Residuals/ Johnson Grass

Good day :)
In a message dated 11/19/00 12:18:38 PM, uai@alltel.net writes:

<<Johnson grass, water hyacinth, bamboo and many other despised plants should
be looked at in the same fashion. You are so right! So right! And also so
right on the current institutional arrangements being in the way of these
beneficial things happening.>>

I too agree. But we need more info on how to properly manage such invasive 
plants well!

For example I'm trying to establish permanent pastures on my farm for pasture 
fed rotationally grazed beef that I hope to market directly to consumer. 
That's no mean feat in rural areas.

Anyway I believe in a pasture salad composed of a variety of grasses etc.

In some of my fields especially those that are rocky clay loams johnson grass 
dominates. And little by little it is spreading to fields of fescue, and 
clover. I'd like to utilize the johnson grass as summer feed, but need to 
find a way to work with it for best results. I'm also told that after it 
frosts it can cause prussic acid poisoning of cattle, which is a big worry. I 
try to give cattle extra minerals, and selenium, magnesium to help offset 
those effects.

Cattle seem to have no problems with the rolled johnson grass hay that 
unfortunately is just stored outside. Next year I hope to have shelter for 
all my hay to preserve feed values.

I'm also building perimeter fences so cattle have not yet been allowed to 
graze johnson grass pasture areas. Next season they will. I'm also not sure 
of protein, nutrient make up of Johnson grass?

Look forward to your replies. Happy Thanksgiving to all in US:)   Frank in KY