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Fw: enivironmental management

Thanks Karen,
I've forwarded your message onto the permaculture LIST, and hope you
get appropriate responses from interested people.  Please include me
on your mailing list - this is something that interests me greatly.

Original message from: "Karen O'Malley" <omallek@agric.nsw.gov.au>
>I am hoping you will be able to help me with a few contacts. I am 
>about to embark on a RIRDC sponsored research project with the aim of
>documenting case studies of horticultural and/or agricultural 
>enterprises that have successfully put in place an Environmental 
>Management System (EMS).
>As permaculturists are known for their concern for the 
>environment I thought emailing you might be a good starting point!
>In the European and American food markets it is becoming a trend to 
>present an EMS to  "prove" your green credentials. (Thus enhancing a 
>producer's credibility and marketing edge).
>An EMS usually takes the form of an audited system similar to a 
>Organic Certification or Quality Assurance system but addressing 
>concerns such as ground water contamination, biodiversity, native 
>vegetation conservation, and so on.
>There are a few manufacturing industries in Australia that have 
>EMSs, and it is predicated by some that EMS standards will become 
>more important in primary industry in the future.
>Do any of your members have this type of system in place? If there 
>are I like to make contact with them. 
>Initially,  all I will be asking are a few basis questions along the 
>lines of their decision to adopt an EMS, what problems they 
>encountered and how they overcame any obstacles. Any further work is 
>of course up to their discretion.
>Hoping to hear from you soon!
>Regards Karen
>Karen O'Malley
>Extension Horticulturist
>NSW Agriculture
>PO Box 3
>Tumut NSW 2720
>Ph  02 69474188
>Fax 02 69474149

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