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Re: Logo Symbolism & other threads

on 30/7/00 Marcus wrote
>As a 25 year media veteran, the first thing I checked when commencing
>my permaculture website 2 years ago, was the issue of copyright, and I
>was told by the PRI head that PDC graduates were able to use the logo
>to promote their permaculture work.  My PDC class was told the same
>thing, that we were able to use aspects of "permaculture" as long as
>we did not copy Bill's work whoelsale.  Obviously Bill's recent press
>releases and his trademarking the logo have changed that opinion.

The 'PRI head' you refer to I assume is Geoff Lawton who has no more 
authority on the subject than any other Pc teacher. PRI paid Bill 
Mollison $250 for a licence to use the egg symbol for merchandise. Bill 
only gives this licence for 2 years. I've been disturbed by the way PRI 
have used the egg symbol as their PRI logo which has led a lot of people 
to think that PRI is the authoritive institute. (see Pc Institute 
confusion pasted below)
I was previously under a similar assumption to what Marcus stated and 
have used the symbol in a low-key way only in association with 
information about PDC's and The Permaculture Institute - I recently 
received a request from The Permaculture Institute (Bill & Lisa Mollison) 
to remove it from my material or risk legal action. 


on 27/7/00 3:09 PM, permed@nor.com.au at permed@nor.com.au wrote:

> There has been a lot of confusion about Permaculture Institutes over the
> past year or so, since PRI (Permaculture Research Institute) was set up
> by Geoff Lawton to take over the management of Tagari Farm when Bill and
> The Permaculture Institute (The Pc Inst) moved back to Tasmania.
> I think a lot of the confusion has arisen, not only due to the similarity
> of the names but more-so due to the way PRI have used Bill's egg logo as
> their own (PRI's) logo and featured it prominently in all their
> advertising, brochures etc. (PRI did pay for a licence to use the logo
> for 2 years, but my understanding from Bill was that it was only to be
> used for merchandise)
> The impression most people have is that PRI is now 'The Institute' which
> is not the case. Geoff Lawton informed me that The Pc Inst handed over to
> PRI the job of handling general international enquiries and requests for
> teaching, consulting etc. A number of PC teachers and designers that once
> had work refered on to them by The Pc Inst have now found this source of
> work has dried up.
> The Permaculture Institute, together with Tagari Publications, Bill and
> wife Lisa, have moved to Tasmania. My understanding is that any issues re
> teaching, currula, copyright, trademarks, certificates, diplomas etc should 
> addressed to 
> The Permaculture Institute,
> 31 Rulla Road
> Sisters Creek, TAS 7325
> Australia
> Ph 61-3-6445 0945, Fax 61-3-6445 0944
> Email: lisam@southcom.com.au
> There is still a Tagari Publications Office at Tyalgum which handles
> retail sales, mail orders and shipping of publications. Contact Details
> Tagari Publications, PO Box 1, Tyalgum NSW 2484 Australia
> Ph 61-2-6679 3442  Fax 61-2-6679 3567
> Email: tagari@linknet.com.au
> Permaculture Research Institute's contact details are:
> Tagari Farm, Post Office, Tyalgum NSW 2484
> Ph 61-2-6679 3275
> Email: tagari@norex.com.au
> Robyn Francis
> Permaculture Education
> Djanbung Gardens
> PO Box 379
> Nimbin NSW 2480