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Re: Plants For A Future database

Barry and Margarita wrote:

>Just a note:  unfortunately, javascript gives Netscape (most
>later versions) fits and eventually ties up all available
>resources until the system crashes.  Since a lot of folks (myself
>included) still use Netscape over IE, you still run the risk that
>the material can't or won't be accessed by 50% of the users.

Don't worry, I use Netscape myself and most of the work I do for commercial
clients requires that I test my code for both browsers.  Also, you are
probably thinking of Java, not JavaScript.  I don't use Java; that is a
whole different animal and I agree that it causes many folks' computers to
go haywire unless they have a ton of resources.  My approach is to be as
minimalist as possible - I know there are lots of folks using old computers,
slow modems, library resource time, etc.


Lee A. Flier
Atlanta, Georgia, USA