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Re: Plants For A Future database

Lee Flier wrote:
> Larry wrote:
> >The above could be gleaned off the web as a  PHP, Perl
> >or Javascript utility and easily installed. Do you know of other
> >applicatins that could be used?
> I use JavaScript on a regular basis and Perl every now and then.  My server
> based code is generally done with Active Server Pages - thus the need for an
> NT.  But I already have ASP code that could be modified easily to serve
> these purposes.

Just a note:  unfortunately, javascript gives Netscape (most
later versions) fits and eventually ties up all available
resources until the system crashes.  Since a lot of folks (myself
included) still use Netscape over IE, you still run the risk that
the material can't or won't be accessed by 50% of the users.  
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of the junk mail.  ESPANOL: Por Favor remueva la palabra "faux"
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