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Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and Farming Festival, Sept 29 - Oct 1,Claymont Farm, Charles Town, WV (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 21:46:54 -0400
From: Allan Balliett <igg@igg.com>
Reply-To: bdnow@envirolink.org
To: bdnow@envirolink.org
Subject: Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and Farming Festival, Sept 29 - Oct 1,
     Claymont Farm, Charles Town, WV

<Folks, I hope everyone can make it to this bash this year! Let me 
know what I can do to help you make it to beautiful West Virginia 
this fall. -Allan>

The conference that combines "Secrets of the Soil" with "Growing for 
Market" - exploring the wonders of the Universe while  learning to 
make a Better Living by Living Better!

Gardening for the Future Festival &
The  Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and Farming Conference
Traditional Nutrition and Restorative Farming
  September 29 - October 1, 2000 * Claymont Farm, Charles Town, WV
Three days of fun, food, and wisdom on a 350 acre organic certified BD farm!

A Few of the Scheduled Speakers and Workshop Leaders
Special Presentation by JOHN TRUDELL,Native American poet, songwriter 
and philosopher. Speaking about "the Nature of Power."

GABRIEL HOWARTH, founding member of Seeds of Change and a legendary 
seedsman/gardener and champion of biodiversity.
CHAROLETTE MARQUARDT, Cero Verde Herb Gardens, step-by-step plant 
cutting workshop.
WENDELL PIERCE, Alan Chadwick's horticulturist. Speaking on 
traditional plant propagation

SALLY FALLON (Weston A. Price Foundation)Author of Nourishing 
Traditions, a remarkable study of traditional nutrition that exposes 
how a few modern 'conveniences' have affected the vitality and 
longevity of Americans and what we, as farmers and consumers,  can do 
to reverse this effect.
JOE LILLARD,(HomeopathyWorks) How to improve your health and your 
soil fertility through potentization
JOEY KORN,  one of the world's foremost dowsers, conducting several 
workshops throughout the conference, hoping to keep good on his 
promise that he can teach anyone  to dowse! (He's also offering a 
post-confernece workshop this year!)

MARK TRELA ( New Harmony Vineyards) Speaking on  n biodynamic 
viticulture in Indiana (also on biodynamic cut flowers).
DAN LYNCH, ( Long Mountain Vineyard) East Coast representative of 
ABA, speaking on new approaches to biodynamic viticulture

HUGH LOVEL America's foremost biodynamic teacher, author of A 
Biodynamic Farm for Growing Healthy Vegetables and America's leading 
practitioner of Cosmiculture,
HUGH COURTNEY, (The Josephine Porter Institute) Hugh makes most of 
the BD preps used in America. He will teach you how to use them!
JIM FOLTZ, Peace in the Valley Farm, making medicinal herbal 
preparations that heal - and pay!
JERRY BRUNETTI,  (Agricynamics) Maximizing Pasture health and human health.
MICHAEL PHILLIPS (The Organic Apple Grower) The latest scoop  on 
growing apples with Nature.
STEVE MOORE, 4-seaon psassive solar greenhousing. Effective season 
extension and low-cost IPM..
GARY PUTERKA, (USDA) Using the kaolin clay sprays effectively

Fantastic Food! Incredibly delicious Organic/biodynamic meals 
(included in conference fee) prepared on-site  by Chef Collaborative 
2000 founding member Peter Berley, author of 'Vegetarian World' a 
Harper-Collins title that will be released in September.

REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE FEE of $175 (Early Bird Discount: $150 
before 9/1/2000) includes all meals and camping. Limited on-site 
semi-private rooms avail. at reasonable rates The conference is 90mi 
from Washington DC and 40 min. from Dulles Airport. To make 
reservations: Call (304)724-6763 or email csa@claymont.org  Late 
breaking information at our web page: 
http://www.gardeningforthefuture.com (very much under construction!)


For more information, contact Allan Balliett at the addresses below:

The Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and Farming Conference
Post Office Box 3047, Shepherdstown, WV 25443 (304) 724-6763.  FAX: 
(815) 550-6067  csa@claymont.org www.gardeningforthefuture.com


Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
metalab.unc.edu/intergarden InterGarden
metalab.unc.edu/permaculture PermaSphere
metalab.unc.edu/intergarden/orgfarm AGINFO