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In Dire Need!

Good morning, all:

I'm back from our trip to Colorado with the youth group, working at the 
Sanctuary.  Still haven't gotten a chance to catch my breath and get a 
report together for everyone (but it was an exciting time!), and I'm now in 
need of help once more.

It seems that a mere 6 miles northeast of the Sanctuary project, The Grupo 
Cementos de Chihuahua DBA the Rio Grande Portland Cement Corporation has 
acquired an initial permit to construct and operate a cement factory and 
strip mine facility.  The Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment - 
Air Pollution Control Division calls this facility a "Major Stationary 
Source" of pollution and our property (part of a 3,000 acre ranch) and that 
of others in our community in the foothills of the Wet Mountains and Sangre 
de Cristos is well within the 20 mile "Danger Zone".

Of course, our city leaders (not living in our pristine location) are all 
for the facility and have granted approval as of the 12th of July, without 
giving our community the information.  We have just received notice that we 
can attend a public meeting on the 20th of July to express our opinions, 
etc.  This is not much time and the community is in an uproar, to say the 
least.  I will be leaving here for the ranch, once again, on Tuesday 
morning to get there in time for the meeting on Thursday.

I need facts, documents, ANYTHING, that can help us.  I've written letters 
to NRCS and our local wildlife division asking for their help as they have 
been instrumental in the developement of the Sanctuary (wildlife habitat, 
endangered and 'at risk' native plants, education, etc.).  Our largest 
concern is for the environment, wildlife and flora, the impact on our 
limited water resources and the endangered health of the community.  If 
anyone has any documents or sources they can share, I would be forever 

I will be reporting on our trip, I promise, as soon as the dust settles and 
I wish to thank all of you for your help and support.
