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Re: mtg locations, fossil fuels, etc.... a solution?

What an interesting and useful idea from Barry & Margarita!!!

This could be a very useful way of getting basic Permaculture facts into the 
hands of new people.   It could also lead to a series of "how to" video's, 
thus eliminating a great deal of cost associated with learning new concepts.

I like this idea.   What do others think???

Keep them flowing.

Revitalise, rehabilitate, rejuvenate...

Robert Jensen

>From: Barry & Margarita <bmn@iglou.com>
>Reply-To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
>To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
>Subject: mtg locations, fossil fuels, etc.... a solution?
>Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 08:41:09 -0400
>Is there any reason why maybe a live realvideo presentation couldn't be
>made available?  In lieu of that, maybe a recorded one?  Slides and
>whatnot could be uploaded to a website with the link.  Anyone?  It seems
>this would not only allow folks to not waste resources by coming from
>far away locations, but also make it available to folks anywhere in the
>world...and the software is free.
>Please note and remove the spamblock "faux." from my reply-to address
>above in order to send a reply.  I use it to block some of the junk
>mail.  ESPANOL: Por Favor remueva la palabra "faux" de mi respuesta de
>arriba para usd poder mandar una respuesta, asegurese que la  direccion
>correcta es: bmn@iglou.com
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