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mtg locations, fossil fuels, etc.... a solution?

Is there any reason why maybe a live realvideo presentation couldn't be
made available?  In lieu of that, maybe a recorded one?  Slides and
whatnot could be uploaded to a website with the link.  Anyone?  It seems
this would not only allow folks to not waste resources by coming from
far away locations, but also make it available to folks anywhere in the
world...and the software is free.  
Please note and remove the spamblock "faux." from my reply-to address
above in order to send a reply.  I use it to block some of the junk
mail.  ESPANOL: Por Favor remueva la palabra "faux" de mi respuesta de
arriba para usd poder mandar una respuesta, asegurese que la  direccion
correcta es: bmn@iglou.com