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Re: BAD NEWS website address for Permaculture International

I have to disagree with Dan on just about every count.

1) People want this information, and now. Restricting it to a printed
medium distrubuted by a relativly unknown institute is not the best
way to let people new to permaculture know whats happening near them.

2) If we want put our own list together and distribute it freely great.
If the PIJ put there own one together fine, if its better than a public
domain one, great. I see know reason why we should restrict ourselves
just for the income of certain groups.

3) The internet works on the provision of free information, putting the
pfaf website online (complete with 7000 pages of plant information)
has been good advertising, and has generated a tidy sum for us.

4) When returning our form to the PIJ I did so assuming the info would
get as wide a coverage as posible. I'm a bit dischuffed to know this
is not the case now.

5) The new colabrative permaculture project seems the best place to
get something going. For starters the the addresses in the national
bodies in each country would be good.

6) As my contribution all the PFAF links pages are anti-copyright
and strictly public domain. I.E you can rip them off wholesale with
or without giving credit. Of particular relavence here is the list
of UK groups at
list of permaculture websites at

7) For more UK information see

                                               Permaculture Magazine's
List of UK permaculture groups. This isn't mine so I don't know
what the copying policy is.

8) A while back I had the same discussion with Dan about trying to
put a list of plant suppliers together you can find mine at

Time to cool down


Rich Morris (pfaf@scs.leeds.ac.uk) for
Plants for a Future: more than just potato's
The Field, Penpol, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0NG, England
Tel: (+44 1208) 872963