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Extended Permaculture Course in Mexico

Extended  Permaculture  Design Certificate Course  and  Community
Experience  Program

at Tamu Tariaticha Community, Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico

Aug. 14 to Sept. 11, 1999

¨No other  permaculture course gives you the  opportunity to learn about
indigenous  Mexico in the heart of the Purepecha region, to taste  the
delicious comida of Mexico, to learn to bake bread  from a French chef,
to learn from Permaculture teachers  internationally known for their
creativity,  to experience  a Temascal, to visit pyramids, to live
within an  international community, in a warm climate, in one of the 
most intriguing and ancient cultures of the world -  Mexico

The Program 
The basic aim of this program is to extend the normally  brief
introduction to Permaculture experienced in most  other courses. The
minimum of 72 hours for the Design  Certificate Course is obviously
barely sufficient to scratch  the surface of what is possible. Many
participants leave  theses courses with a sense of being overwhelmed,
and  have difficulty deciding where to start. Often this is  accentuated
by need to integrate the new concepts into  everyday life. To accomplish
this, many people often soon  find the time to visit other Permaculture
projects, to live  at those projects, or to go WWOOFing.

This program will offers these opportunities and  will  enable people to
make the necessary integration and  adjustments in a more gentle,
supportive manner.

In addition to the vast amount of information from the  Extended Design
Certificate Course (and the personal  changes that that often triggers)
participants in the  program will live within the Permaculture community
of  Tamu Tariaticha for the duration of the course. There will  be time
to develop additional skills, with a wide range of  choices ranging from
actually putting up a building, to  learning how to cook the produce
harvested (and how to  finish the process by composting it!).

On-going Work Experience 
At the completion of the Extended Course, people with  reasonable
knowledge of the Spanish language will be  able to choose from a variety
of projects and activities  with some of the organizations with which
Tamu works.  Many of these NGOs are keen to have help from willing, 
useful people. In most cases this activity will be on a  work exchange
basis. Activities possible - Community  Development, Project
Implementation, Agrofrestry,  Organic Farming, Local Environmental
Action  etc.  Locations vary from Campeche in the south to Queretaro  in
the mid-north. The work of these organizations is  extremely impressive,
and an opportunity to work with  such groups will be a valuable and
rewarding experience.

People with little or no Spanish, will have the opportunity  of joining
the community of Tamu (as many of us speak  English) as a "permanent
visitor" (or is it ‘temporary  resident")  to work and live with us.

In either case, it will be up to both parties to agree on the 
conditions and details of the work and stay involved.

 Student-lead Approach 
The overriding philosophy of this program is one of  student
empowerment. This means that the course will  not have an inflexible
fixed curricula imposed on it. Nor  will the work experience and
training be dictated by the  course organizers. But rather both will be
negotiated with  the participants. While there is basic information
which  must be covered under the Design Certificate Course,  there is
considerable room for negotiation on the range of  content and delivery
mechanisms. Similarly, there are  many projects which could be
undertaken., the exact  details will be determined with the participant
to ensure  the needs and interests of each person is catered for.

Design Certificate Course 
The program includes a full Design Certificate Course  covering the
basic concepts of Permaculture and its  applied strategies. Topics
include: Principles of Permaculture Soils Water Gardening Orchards
Production of Maiz and Grains Microclimates Management of Pests Aridland
Strategies Animal Systems Alternative Energy Ecological Housing Urban
Strategies EcoVillages Social Strategies Financial Strategies Practical
Design Exercise

Endorsement by Institute of Mexico   
This Certificate Course is fully endorsed by the  Permaculture Institute
of Mexico, and a students will be  awarded their  Permaculture Design

 The People
Skye is internationally known as a creative,  inspiring teacher, who
co-authored the "Manual for  Teaching Permaculture Creatively": Having
taught a  variety of Permaculture courses in Australia for over six 
years, Skye came to Mexico to teach three years ago, and  has found it
hard to leave the country since. Skye now  lives in Mexico, is based at
Tamu, but spends much of his  time travelling Mexico to teach those who
want to listen.  In recent years  Skye  has taught in Mexico, USA,
Cuba,  Japan,  England, Germany, Kenya, South Africa and  Australia.

Sergio Mamert - has lived and worked in Mexico for  over 20 years. A
creative designer of jewelry, Sergio  prefers to work outside and has
been an active and  successful organic gardener for many years, both in 
Chiapas and Michoacan. He is a skilled baker, and a  herbalist. Sergio
is one of the early pioneers of self-reliant  living and community
development in Mexico.

Jenny Cook - originally an environmental journalist,  Jenny came to
Mexico over 11 years ago. In the state of  Guanajuato she spent many
years working for local  environment, ecology and community development 
groups, and organized some of the early Permaculture  courses in Mexico.
It is now very difficult to get Jenny out  of her garden. .   In
addition to these people of Tamu Tariaticha itself, a  number of guest
teachers will be involved in parts of this  course. 

 The Community 
The community of Tamu Tariaticha (Purepetcha for the  "four winds") was
originally purchased some twelve years  ago. by a group of friends who
wished to live simply, on  the land. 

 The Area
The center of the area of Patzcuaro is the lake of the same  name. The
area is well known for its copper work and  wood craftsmen. The lake was
the basis of  large fishing  industry, but this has now largely
collapsed. The area has  a long history, the original culture of  the
Purepetcha had  their capitol at Tzintzuntzan (an hour from Tamu) and 
still exert a strong influence in the area.

There are many fine markets in the area. And within  reasonable driving
distance there are important  attractions, of natural beauty, cultural
value or tourist  interest. Patzcuaro is a small city and most personal 
requirements can be easily obtained within the central  business
district. Services such as film processing,  photocopying, international
faxes etc are all readily  accessible.

The climate is cool sub-tropical, with warm and wet  summers and dry
cool winters (we do get many frosts  over winter). During the course the
weather will most  likely be reasonably warm with some rainy days. This
is  the peak growing time of the year.

How to get here 
The community of Tamu Tariaticha is situated twenty  minutes from
Patzcuaro. From the International airport of  Mexico City, it is
possible to get to Patzcuaro by direct  coach, or via Morelia. It will
take approximately 6 hours  for the trip. (Further details on how to
find us will be sent  upon registration).

The fee of $1200US for the four weeks of the Design  Cerificate Course
includes accommodation, food and field  trip costs.

To ensure your place in this course, we require a deposit  of minimum
of  $200US. Please forward this as a check  made out to "Skye",
alternatively you may deposit this  money directly by electronic
transfer to the account of  Skye, with the Bancomer Bank, Patzcuaro
Branch (#  465), account number 1004142-8. Please send your check  (or
copy of bank deposit to the above account) along with  a brief letter
giving your basic details, address, and  anticipated arrival

For further information, or specific inquiries, please  contact us

Skye - Apdo # 391,  Patzcuaro, Michoacan, CP. 61600 México. 
fax  (52) 01 (434) 24743
Profesor y diseñador en Permacultura
Director del Instituto de Permacultura de México A.C.
Talleres de desarrollo humano, planeación participativa y 
economía comunitaria.