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Re: GBlist: seaside erosion control?

Here in VA we have Soil & Water Conservation Districts, don't know what the
equivalent is, but here they are expert in erosion control.
Good luck!

>>Susan writes:
>>I thought you might be able to help me with an outside issue or that you
>>might know someone who could.  It has to do with hillside erosion and
>>controlling it ..I would appreciate any info you might have....
>If you lived in the south, I'd suggest planting kudzu.
>Try your local County Extension Office.  If they can't help, try the USDA
>Soil Conservation Service.  (The Extension office should know where to find
>their local office.) Either of them should have some good ideas, and can
>probably send someone for a site visit.
>Craig DeWitt
>Clemson University, SC
>This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by Oikos (www.oikos.com)
>and Environmental Building News (www.ebuild.com). For instructions
>send e-mail to greenbuilding-request@crest.org.

This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by Oikos (www.oikos.com)
and Environmental Building News (www.ebuild.com). For instructions
send e-mail to greenbuilding-request@crest.org.
