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GBlist: GBLIST: IAQ guidelines

ASHRAE has a web site that has the proposed std., as shown later in the
digest, or if your search for "ashrae".  I'm not sure the current std.
is online but their IAQ guidelines probably cite the same references as
the current std. (62-1989).

But their concentration/time guidelines may be somewhat dated.  The
Calif. Air Resources Board and other environmental/health groups have
published guidelines more recently.  CARB has theirs online (see my web
site below for the formaldehyde, CO, NO2, PM10, PAH guidelines) and can
send you the supplements which list & reference the Canadian and WHO
guidelines.  Health Canada may have theirs online, or you can call them.
I don't think WHO's are online.

For guidance on how to deal with some indoor sources of pollutants in
new construction and remodeling, see the VOC Guidelines published by the
Calif. Dept. of Health Services, 510.540.2469.  

Thomas J. Phillips                             AIR     {)   FOOD
Air Pollution Research Specialist                      /|\	
CARB/RD, Box 2815, Sacramento, CA 95812        WATER    |    SKIN
916.322.7145/4357 FAX                                 _/ \_
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