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GBlist: window performance

Hi, I'm new to the list and have been following the discussion on "best
Question: Is there performance data for windows over the long term - 5, 10,20
Here at Ecovillage at Ithaca we have installed triple glazed Winnipeg windows
with fiberglas frames that appear to be good in most areas but have noticed a
few structural things that make me wonder about their long term performance
(although we are pretty pleased with them on the whole.) 
It seems to me test performances on brand new windows is not the whole
picture. I once installed low - leakage, double weather stripped windows to
later discover that the sun degenerated the strips to uselessness within 5
years. What about low-e argon windows? Does the argon eventually disperse
over an unacceptably short time reducing the insulating value to dry air
again? Does the film degenerate similarily?
We are about to begin our Second Neighborhood design and hope to push the
envelope of possibilities a little further. The first neighborhood did a few
things that may be of interest to some. We have used exhaust- only air
handling with heating for up to eight houses handled by energy centers with
mixed results so far. Hopefully further tweaking will bring them up to
expectations. The large 'common house'  uses hydronic radiant floors with air
conditioned via pond cooling and HRVs. Much of our systems have been running
for only a short while and data is preliminary. I have been impressed by the
knowledge and skills many people have on this list and hope to be able to
contribute some field data and the occasional word of wisdom.

Rod Lambert 
Ecovillage at Ithaca,  NY. USA.
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