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Re: GBlist: window performance

Rod: Accelerated testing on windows can be done, but I am not sure which
testing facility is (capable of) doing this and the cost. However, it is
very important and would give you far more meaningful numbers and
perhaps better reception by both professionals and the public to the
current set of lables and ratings, which must be considered in the
light of their serious weaknesses and limitations. This instantaneous
testing of windows (or any other artifact) is a serious Achilles Heel of
the "laboratory" testing industry.

We don't bother doing blower door tests immediately after the completion of a
building as is usual practice. Instead, we wait for a few years, until the 
drywall mud and paint has dried, the building has outgassed and settled, and
has been used in the normal manner with live humans. Then you get far
more meaningful real-world "in-situ" tests results, rather than
instantaneous "start-up only" results.
Jorg Ostrowski,  M. Arch. A.S. (MIT), B. Arch. (Toronto), Ecotect 
-  in full-time professional practice since 1976 (Straw Bale since 1978),    
   environmental/architectural design, ecological planning,  consulting   
   on sustainable  buildings/communities. Lectures, seminars, workshops.
- 3 residential demonstration projects in Canada, +80,000 visitors
- college campus and office tower recofit under construction
- living a conserver lifestyle & working in a sustainable home and office
ACE, ARE, ACT, ASH-Incs., Phone: (403) 239-1882, Fax: (403) 547-2671
Web Site [under construction]: http://www.ucalgary.ca/~jdo/ecotecture.htm
e-mail: <jdo@acs.ucalgary.ca>

On Wed, 24 Sep 1997 RodLambert@aol.com wrote:
> Hi, I'm new to the list and have been following the discussion on "best
> windows".
> Question: Is there performance data for windows over the long term - 5, 10,20
> years?
> Here at Ecovillage at Ithaca we have installed triple glazed Winnipeg windows
> with fiberglas frames that appear to be good in most areas but have noticed a
> few structural things that make me wonder about their long term performance
> (although we are pretty pleased with them on the whole.) 
> It seems to me test performances on brand new windows is not the whole
> picture. I once installed low - leakage, double weather stripped windows to
> later discover that the sun degenerated the strips to uselessness within 5
> years. What about low-e argon windows? Does the argon eventually disperse
> over an unacceptably short time reducing the insulating value to dry air
> again? Does the film degenerate similarily?

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