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GBlist: PV in asia?

I'm forwarding this inquiry to my fellow greenbuilders.  Anyone have
an answer for this gentleman?  If so, I'd appreciate it if you could
email him directly at  aarowe@cyberdream.co.uk.  Thanks.  
> From: aarowe <aarowe@cyberdream.co.uk>
> To: solargrl@gte.net
> Subject: asia?
> Date: Tuesday, October 14, 1997 4:42 AM
> hi, do you know where might supply photovoltaic cells in Asia?. A
> of mine wants to supply light/domestic power to townships in South
> Africa, and he thought the cells might be cheaper out there but he
> having trouble finding a supplier. Any ideas?
>           many thanks for any help(sorry if i'm a bit abrupt)
>                  cheers ewen fortune

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